

Ageing leads to a depletion in the functionality of all the skin layers which leads to a structurally weak and aesthetically
unappealing skin which is dull, dehydrated and inelastic. Skin boosters have been used in treating structural changes associated
with aging by restoring skin nourishment and other vital components. Skin boosters are described as biological materials that
help or encourage the skin to increase or improve its function. Skin boosters traditionally contain hyaluronic acid and have since
fanned out to contain various other beneficial substances.(1)

Wave of hydration for your skin

  1. Arora G. et al. Biorevitalization of the skin with skin boosters: Concepts, variables, and limitations. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021;20:2458–2462.


Always seek the advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical condition or before starting a treatment.

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